Monday, July 26, 2010

If there was one piece of advice that you wish you had received/followed as a teenager, what would it be?

i would really love to know.If there was one piece of advice that you wish you had received/followed as a teenager, what would it be?
Nothing is the way it seems. Trust your instincts.If there was one piece of advice that you wish you had received/followed as a teenager, what would it be?
save your money because you will need a back up when your short on rent.

Don't do drugs...not even once.

Always wear a condom

Take too many pictures

Laugh too hard

Don't ever do anything you believe to be has devastating effects on your spirit.

When you find someone you love...dont ever break up with her...even if you move to another will regret it for the rest of your life.

If I would have followed all this my life would be 100X better
trust no one
I got too much advice as a teenager, I wish I knew how to listen to it then.i rejected most of what adults told me.Sorry now that I did.
I would have needed guidance and direction.
Stay in school. And enjoy what is left of your childhood. Adult responsibility will come soon enough.
If you want something, a bf, a job, a dream you have to go for it. Life won't come to you.

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