I've used the hateness method but somehow the love feeling creeped slowly into my heart..I need some advice about my life - I'm going to be a teenager but I don't want to.?
I am sorry to tell you that becoming a teenager is something you can't stop. It happens and you have to understand that you can be a teenager without having sex or drinking or smoking or doing drugs..Those are choices you have to make as you grow up. Of course you are going to have peer pressure,but you can be strong and tell them you don't believe in underage sex and drinking or smoking or drugs of any kind. There is nothing wrong with being a teenager, just make informed decisions about things. Don't do something because everyone else is! You will be fine if you are always true to your own beliefs and listen to yourself and not the pressures from kids at school.. Parents do understand about being a teenager too, they were teenagers once. Talk to them about how you are feeling, they may have somethings to tell you that you never thought of.. Enjoy teen life and may God bless you..I need some advice about my life - I'm going to be a teenager but I don't want to.?
You may not be able to control the attraction to the opposite sex or other things teens like but there are many things you CAN control like if and when you have sex....the people you hang out with...the stuff you do in your spare time. Find other teens with similar attitudes and ideas and you can give each other support. As far as sex goes.....there no certain time that has to happen. You can wait forever if you want to. No one should pressure you into it. Stand your ground and just be yourself. If people bully or pressure you they aren't good people to hang around with. Enjoy this time while you can because it goes by quickly and you can't get these years back again so don't let it slip away because of fear. Try to enjoy something in each day. Let the teen things happen naturally. Don't try to suppress them you'll drive yourself crazy. just stay in control and you'll be fine. Surround yourself with people that care about you. Good luck in your life.
Just because you are becoming a teenager doesn't mean you can't still be a kid. Don't rush growing up so fast and enjoy thos teenage years. The feeling that go along with being a teenager are normal and I don't think that you can stop them. just deal with them the best of your ability
There's no law that says you have to have sex.
I think you're being silly, if the reason you hate music is because you think only teens love music.
I haven't been a teen for decades, and I've always loved music, from before teen years, and through them, and after.
Not liking music doesn't keep you a child.
There's no way to stay a child.
Children grow, and eventually become adults. That's how it works.
But where you got all these ideas that you have to do this, that, or the other, just because you're a teen I don't know.
Avoiding the characteristics (as you see them -- they have nothing to do with being a teen, BTW) doesn't make you not be a teen.
But then you don't HAVE to have sex either, if that's all you're trying to avoid.
Eventually you probably will, but by then you won't hate the idea.
Why don't you just be who you are, and like what you like, and dislike what you dislike?
That makes a lot more sense than making up a bunch of silly rules for oneself, just because you don't understand what it means to grow up.
stick to your books, that will help and you will also get good grade. besides before you know it you will be all those things you hate. it happens
I'm going to be an adult. I'm 20 in 18 days. Goodbye, teenagehood!
I too have tried the hateness method. I hate people who work. I hate work. I hate responsibility. I sleep in all day (then wonder why I'm tired and grumpy and vitamin D deprived).
But somehow, adult-ness has crept up on me. I'm politically active; I follow the news; I'm getting a car and a job; and I've decided idiots who sleep all day for no reason deserve their depression. I'm also the main chef/cleaner/account keeper for my house (in which I am the youngest member); and I even do the grocery shopping!
Somehow, life sneaks these things up on you.
So being a kid was fun. Write about it. Get all the things you love about being a kid down on paper, then keep it somewhere safe for when you're older. Then, find out why people love being teenagers so much. For instance; more freedom to hang out with friends; more interesting hobbies; wider social groups; interesting work within some pretty awesome hours... and the holidays! (Have you ever heard of a non-teacher-adult who got 10 weeks off their job every year?!) And not every teenager either wants or does have sex. Plenty wait for the right time/person or marriage to get involved in that. (Which is a very smart decision!)
Not everything about being a teenager sucks. I just wish I'd realised what I had before I let it get away from me!!!!!!!
Good luck. Have fun!!! And don't forget to enjoy the ride... Coz whether you want it or not... It's there. =)
';Ah! my boy. Into every life a little rain must fall. '; You can avoid life's torrential downpour if you get into intensive therapy NOW%26gt;
You don't have to ';grow up'; even though you're turning 14. Heck I'm still a kid at almost 26. Follow your own pace and do what YOU enjoy. As for sex ... you don't have to start thinking about that for another 5 (or 15) years if you don't want to.
Relax and enjoy YOUR life. You don't have to try to avoid OR pressure yourself into anything.
Another thing ... it's normal and OK to hate something one day and love it the next.
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