Monday, July 26, 2010

How do you discipline a teenager daughter? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?

I have not seen my little sister for almost 6 years because I am in other country. We talked on the phone once in a while. She is now a teenager (15 years old)

This morning my father asked her to write down my contact information. She did not pay attention to what I said. She made a mistake again and again. My parent listened to us on the other lines. They told her to pay more attention. She was upset and hung up the phone. Then, she was crying for no reason. My parents want her to go to better high school. She does not want to do that. She complained, cried, and said bad words to my parents.

I was so upset to hear that. However, I tried to tell my parents that she is a teenager. She may act outrage sometimes.

P.S. I was thinking--Well, I was once a teenager, but I did not hung up the phone, cried, and said bad words to other people.

How do you discipline a spoiled teenager?How do you discipline a teenager daughter? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
you gain her respect, and stop calling her spoiled because she has a different idea of what she wants in a school than her dad. you haven't seen her in six years, where do you get off disciplining her, you are not her mother. plus just because you were not a certain way, doesn't mean she's the weird one. try to be supportive, i don't know where i'd be without my older sister, i was one hell of a 15 year old, and if she had reacted to me the way you are i would never have had a relationship with her. but she gained my respect, and i hated telling her when i screwed up, she wasa the only person i did not ever want to confess to, and she did not discipline me, she loved me, and supported me, when i was acting like a punk abd the rest of my family was attacking me. 15 year olds hate adults, thats all, she'll get over it, don't make her hate youHow do you discipline a teenager daughter? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
I am sick of people making excuses for bad behavior. I would NEVER have spoken to my parents that way. I may have written it in my journal, or told my friends, but never to their face. Where is respect in this world? Disciplining a teenage is not like a child. I would have a family meeting. I was big on family meetings when my kids were little. Discuss the problem and present the consequences. I was big on consequences when my kids were little. Then, when the infraction occurs, the consequences happen. End of story. She knows what she did wrong and she knows what will happen when she does that. No phone, no TV, no car... whatever your parents decide the consequences will be and for how long. The absolutely VITAL part of this is consistency in the consequences. There must always be consequences and they must always be the ones set in the meeting.
Sounds like she was probably on marihuana at the time she was talking to you. Writing down contact information is something so simple, that only people with mental health issues, have difficulty doing. Drug induced mental health issues are the same.
It doesn't sound like she is spoiled. It sounds like she's a teenager. Your parents are criticizing her instead of teaching her. What teenager would not rebel against criticism?? Your parents need a better line of communication. There are limits set for a teenager. Respect for your parents is extremely important, but they will not get that without respecting your sister's right to learn from mistakes and mature. Changing her school is not the best idea for her. She has friends there that she depends on and depend on her. To pull her away from that at 15 is a big mistake. When she disrespects her parents they should take away her priviledges. She does not get them back until she apologizes and changes her attitude.
The better question I think would be '; How do you discipline the parents of the spoiled teenager'; I mean that teen got spoiled because someone spoiled her right? They need to realize THEY are the parents not the teen. Set firm guide lines with strict consequences for failing to abide to them. Some teens are plain out rude! While some like yourself are respectful and curtious. It sounds like your sister needs some strictness in her life, if she was rude on the phone, take her phone privledges away until she learns her lesson. If she is using fowl language take away other privledges. But this is something your parents need to do, there is nothing really you can do about it. Except maybe talking to your sister and telling her that the way she is acting is inappropriate and it needs to stop.
well i don't have any kids but what i would is to understand where she's coming from, understand why she's acting the way she is and if we can't come to some agreement then steadily take away things like a cell phone or license.
Wtf? Smack her upside the head.
Have your paretns stop buying her things she wants and ONLY things she NEEDS. She needs to realize that not every thing is about her. She needs to buy the things she wants, to work for wat she wants. She needs to learn what it would be like if she lost everything she owned. When i mouth off, i have to prove to my parents that i can be respectful. it sure isnt easy, ill tell u that. Make her work for her previleges.
Look i don't know how you feel about any of the stuff that I'm about to say but this how i feel... I'm 22 and have one 5 yr and I'm prego now with #2 and when i was 18 i got my last spanking (lol) seriously my brother and sister and i love and respect our parents so much... but they never took any crap off of us. when i was 18 still living at home i was talking back to me mom and she took off her flip flop and gave me a real spanking, i tell you what that was the last time i ever talked back hehe. kids need discipline and to learn what respect is now I'm not saying beat you kid, that wrong! what every parent has the right to teach there kid right from wrong and yelling and causing at you parents is never acceptable. its not you sisters choose what school she goes to its you parents responsibility to make sure she is were she needs to be. i think lots of parents make big mistakes when they try to let there kids rule over them. it sounds like to me that you mom and dad need to put there feet down and be some parents.
I don't know how to discipline her, but I'm thinking, by the way she reacted so strongly, she could be having hormonal problems. Maybe about to start her period, or she could be depressed. Getting so confused and crying like that seems like a problem other than just being spoiled.
ok well im not one myself but i personally think thats normal, yea shes a teenager but still i mean she needs to learn how to respect other and moving her from that high school is going to make her rebel even more so i think you should just let her get past her phase.

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